Freunde und Fans trauern um Avicii
Die Musikwelt ist erschüttert. Der überraschende Tod von Star-DJ Avicii schockt nicht nur die Fans, sondern auch viele prominente Freunde.
Ein Blick auf die Twitter-Tweets, Facebook-und Instagram-Posts der letzten Stunden reicht und es ist klar, welchen Verlust die Musikwelt mit dem Tod von Star-DJ Avicii gerade erlebt.
devastated at the news of @Avicii passing. working with him was one of my favorite collaborative moments. far too young. the world was a happier and fuller place with his presence and art. sending all my love to his friends and family. Xxdr
— Imagine Dragons (@Imaginedragons) 20. April 2018
RIP Tim. You were a brilliant composer and a gentle spirit. Fond memories of creating music w @Avicii and @nilerodgers-
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) 20. April 2018
Devastating news about Avicii, a beautiful soul, passionate and extremely talented with so much more to do. My heart goes out to his family. God bless you Tim x
— Calvin Harris (@CalvinHarris) 20. April 2018